Wishe Niche

Wishe Niche
How did you make that?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sit Down Mom

So I could not write this blog in the beginning it was to raw , to real. Now retrospectively I will tell you what I have learned this past year and more importantly about the upcoming year which I am reclaiming.
My oldest daughter was deployed to Afghanistan in the spring, not just any Afghanistan though , the mother of all Afghanistans a FOB located in Chamkani on the Pakistan border. What's a FOB you ask ? Ahhh I will fill you in on all the acronyms I have learned over the year, peppered in with a few hidden codes like "throwing things over the wire".
My middle child my only son, works for the Grid, he is the guy at the top of the pole in the blizzards restoring your power.
My youngest is having her first baby and just moved into her own home.
And yes I do identify myself through my children, they are awesome people why wouldn't I ?
Me.... just finished my masters degree in library science, work in a library , love lots of things. My goal this year is to write a cook book for my family. I need to be busy not sure why but I am not good at sitting still.
So here we go......

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wishing Away

I have wished away this year, for oh so many reasons but the main was that my oldest daughter deployed to Afghanistan. Not just any Afghanistan either, the front lines, under the wire, the most dangerous FOB out there Chamkani.
What's a FOB , you don't know ? I did not either I have learned more acronyms this year as a mom of a deployed soldier than I did working in an academic library for 11 years!
So I will update with things I have learned this last year and the beginning of a new year putting my new discoveries about my life in some sort of order!