Wishe Niche

Wishe Niche
How did you make that?

Friday, December 2, 2011


The other night I put my hand on Amanda's bump and felt my grandchild kick and turn! Very cool! Grandchildren are my new delight, I am finally in a place where I can enjoy having them, spoiling them and spending time with them. Seven as he is called, my seventh grandchild AND a favorite Seinfeld episode will be the first local grandchild I will be able to spend lots of time with!
I am done with school now and choose to help them out by taking the responsibilty of taking care of him four days a week for a few hours after work. I am so looking forward to it. I already knew how important family time is , that is not new, it is however now a priority and I will choose that first over work or other obligations. Seven will be a new adventure!

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