Wishe Niche

Wishe Niche
How did you make that?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Clean the crisper Pot Roast

I belong to a CSA, Native Offerings , I get lots of vegetables , every week.
I am going to eat them, make smoothies, cut them up and take them to work in my little eco lunch bag.......... yeah.........so
Defrost a pot roast ( Local Organic Native Offerings for me) , ok go buy one if you must but pardon me while I make the Mad TV Stewart noise
Open the crisper drawer, get out the carrots, one limp leek, one shriveled celeriac root , go to the root "attic" and grab some potatoes and wash them.
Wash and peel ( or not ) the carrots and potatoes
Dice up the Celeriac
Soak the leek and slice that up as well
Put the roast in the crock pot, season with salt, pepper and rosemary on all sides. Add 1/2 cup water, red wine or beef stock. Put the veggies in and put the crockpot on low for 6-8 hours


Mid Winter Root Cellar Recipes Apple Crisp for MANY

Okay so you put some apples in the root cellar in October. Apples are plentiful and you have good intentions. Apple pies, muffins, baked apples ! Reality check , yeah those apples in the bushel in the root cellar or in my case my root attic are getting a little soft and yeah by the way one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch. So this is a big recipe, you can cut it down, I had 1/2 a bushel!
Apple Crisp for many
12 cups apples peeled and cored, then cliced
1/2 cup granulated sugar
6 tsps cinnamon
1/4 cup flour

Yes thats a lot of cinnamon, we LOVE cinnamon!
Mix above in a really big bowl.

Mix together
3 cups oats, I use whatever is in the pantry, rollled , quick
3 sticks melted butter ( please use BUTTER)
4 more tsps cinnamon
2 cups flour
1 cup brown sugar
Grease pan however you do , spray , oil and paper towel , you pick!

Layer 1/2 the crisp mix on the bottom of your lasagna pan ( unless you are Jessica then it is on the bottom of my lasagna pan)

Add all apples , smooth out , add the rest of the apples to the top/ Sprinkle on a little cinnamon sugar on top.
Bake at 375 45 minutes to an hour it will get all bubbly.
Invite the neighbors , scoop out the ice cream and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut squash is a pain to peel but so worth it in the end~
Butternut Squash
1 small onion diced
2 Tbsps Butter ( no margarine it is 1 DNA molecule away from being plastic)
Fresh Grated Ginger
1/2 cup orange juice
Peel and cube a few butternut squash
Place in a stock pot with water enough to barely cover and place a lid on it .
Cook till tender and drain ( drain over another pot and save the liquid)
Cook dice onion in butter till soft
Puree squash either in a blender or with a mixer till smooth and creamy use reserved liquid here as needed and be careful it is hot.
Puree onion as well with some of the squash.
Add orange juice and grated ginger to squash and heat to a simmer.
I add some white wine ( reisling is very yummy) to thin it out a bit , you can add more orange juice or the reserved liquid from boiling the squas.
I also use fresh ginger , you can add the dried spice instead just taste test as you go.
No salt or pepper in mine I like the sweet taste of the squash.
Top with sour cream if you wish, some more grated ginger and yummmmmmmmmmm


Spanikopita- Greek Spinach and Feta Cheese Pie

Okay this recipe is time consuming but it is delicious and you can freeze it!

Preheat oven to 350
½ cup oil
2 large onions ( I have used scallions as well and it is yummy)
Salt and pepper to taste
2-3 pounds of fresh spinach, cleaned and de stemmed ( if you use frozen drain it and squeeze out all the moisture)
5 cloves garlic minced
1 ½ pounds drained and crumbled feta
1 cup cottage cheese (large curd)
½ pound butter (maybe more)
3 tbsp flour
4 eggs beaten
3 tbsp Dill weed
1 box frozen filo pastry dough.
The night before defrost the filo in the fridge (this stuff dries out quick so have everything ready to go)


In a LARGE pot saute minced onion and garlic till translucent add spinach and 2 tbsp dill weed and cook down, remove from heat and pour into a colander to drain.
Mix cottage cheese, feta, flour and eggs, and spinach mixture and mix well. If it seems soupy add a little more flour.
Melt butter
Unwrap and unroll filo dough keep covered with a kitchen towel it dries out fast!
There are two ways to do this you can do it on a sheet pan ( the easiest, brush butter onto pan, and lay one sheet of filo at a time down on sheet pan, brush butter between each layer.
Use ½ the box.
Pour Spinach mixture onto filo, spread to edges then top with remaining filo one sheet at a time, filo, butter, filo butter. The last sheet brush with butter and sprinkle dill weed on the top. ( at this point you can freeze it for another day)
Bake at 350 45 minutes or until top is crisp and brown. Another way to do this is to lay a sheet of filo on the counter brush with butter repeat with 4 sheets of filo. Fold in ½ lengthwise. Fold about one more inch along the top as well. Place a scoop of filling at bottom corner and fold like a flag, brushing with butter while doing so.
Sprinkle tops with dill weed and bake as above

Lemon Garlic Hummus

Lemon Garlic Hummus-
2 cans chickpeas drained and rinsed (make sure you rinse well)
1-2 tbsp Olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
¼ tsp salt (less if desired)
3 tbsp tahini (do not substitute any other nut butter, you can omit but it will taste a little different.)
1 whole lemon. ( zest a little for garnish)
Reserve ¼ cup of chickpeas
In a food processor add garlic and pulverize, next add the whole lemon cut into quarters and pulverize. Next add chick peas and Tahini and process till smooth, this is where you add the olive oil. It may not need any at this point. Add salt
Pour into a serving dish sprinkle remaining chic peas on top, lemon zest and drizzle olive oil on top if desired.
You can play with this recipe, I love garlic so I add more, if you are using the stuff from the jar you may want to add more as well.

Japanese Pork Cutlets

Japanese Pork CutletsTonkatsu
4 boneless pork cutlets (you can cut these into strips if you want to serve them that way)
Regular table salt (a pinch)
Ground black pepper (a pinch)
Sprinkle both sides of meat with salt and pepper
½ cup flour
2 eggs, beaten well
1 cup panko bread crumbs
Vegetable oil for frying
Dredge pork in flour, dip dredged pork into beaten egg, then dip in Panko Crumbs. Fry these in vegetable oil till golden brown and crispy. You can substitute chicken in this recipe as well. ( if you substitute chicken it will be chicken-katsu) Tonkatsu sauce can be purchased in the Asian Aisle in the grocery store if they do not have it you can mix some up with ketchup and Worcester sauce.
Serve with finely sliced green cabbage.

German Potato Pancakes

This recipe is from my Gramma Rose, actually the only Gramma I knew and whom Amanda-Rose is named after . She was a good cook , a better canner and an even better baker. I used to go spend weeks with her in the summer where we would take the bus uptown, the Number 4 Broadway. We would have lunch at the counter at A M & A's , buy trinkets and have so much fun. She was my saving grace during my childhood.

German Potato Pancakes
2 eggs
1/2 cup all-purpose flour (or more)
1 tsp teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
6 potatoes, peeled ( or not I just wash mine) and grated
½ cup grated onion ( I just grate ½ a large onion or 1 small)
Small bandage
Vegetable oil ( not olive oil it is a waste of expensive oil)


So, you can do these in a food processor but I can tell you they will not be as good! You need an old box grater probably stuck in the back of the cupboard. Grate 4 of your potatoes on the grating part not the shredding part
Grate your onion
Grate your remaining potatoes on the shredding part.
(my grammas’ recipe calls for the blood of one knuckle as well since you always manage to knick one while doing this)
Add Band aid to finger that is now bleeding You will now have a watery pink mixture, ( not from the blood but from the potatoes)
I squish out all the moisture I can.
Now add the rest of your ingredients (minus the band aid and oil)
Heat a reasonable amount of oil in a large skillet till it sizzles.
Drop large spoonfuls of potato mixture in and flatten out the tops, cook till brown and crispy on the bottom (about 3 minutes) then flip.
Now for the argument do you serve them with applesauce or sour cream. I like one of each!

Polish Golumpki ( stuffed cabbage rolls)

I learned how to make these from my neighbor in Cherry Creek , Mrs Dybka. At 17 I moved to a farm on a dead end dirt road with my less than one year old daughter Jennifer. It was there I learned the most about cooking and gardening as well as the other things that are important to me know.
Polish Golumpki ( stuffed cabbage rolls)
2 c. cooked rice ( I use brown but white would do as well)
2 pounds raw ground beef
1/4 c. diced, minced onion
¼ cup diced green pepper
1 can diced or whole tomatoes squished
1 can plain tomato sauce (I use a quart of home canned tomato sauce)
1 head of green cabbage (cored) Bring a large pot (make sure the whole head of cabbage fits in) to a boil drop the head of cabbage in and boil till leaves start to separate. Remove from pot and chill in cold water.
Mix rice, ground beef, pepper, onion and diced tomatoes together, add salt and pepper as desired. I add the rice last sometimes it is too much for my taste.
Take a 9x13 pan and pour ½ the can of sauce in the bottom, fill the can to the top then with water and stir with the remaining sauce Taking one leaf at a time put some of the rice and beef mixture into the center of the leaf, leaving room to fold it, fold the bottom up, then the two sides then the top and place seam side down in your prepared baking pan .
When pan is full of rolls pour remaining water/sauce mixture over the top, place aluminum foil over pan and bake at 350 for about an hour. Cieszyć się