Wishe Niche

Wishe Niche
How did you make that?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mid Winter Root Cellar Recipes Apple Crisp for MANY

Okay so you put some apples in the root cellar in October. Apples are plentiful and you have good intentions. Apple pies, muffins, baked apples ! Reality check , yeah those apples in the bushel in the root cellar or in my case my root attic are getting a little soft and yeah by the way one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch. So this is a big recipe, you can cut it down, I had 1/2 a bushel!
Apple Crisp for many
12 cups apples peeled and cored, then cliced
1/2 cup granulated sugar
6 tsps cinnamon
1/4 cup flour

Yes thats a lot of cinnamon, we LOVE cinnamon!
Mix above in a really big bowl.

Mix together
3 cups oats, I use whatever is in the pantry, rollled , quick
3 sticks melted butter ( please use BUTTER)
4 more tsps cinnamon
2 cups flour
1 cup brown sugar
Grease pan however you do , spray , oil and paper towel , you pick!

Layer 1/2 the crisp mix on the bottom of your lasagna pan ( unless you are Jessica then it is on the bottom of my lasagna pan)

Add all apples , smooth out , add the rest of the apples to the top/ Sprinkle on a little cinnamon sugar on top.
Bake at 375 45 minutes to an hour it will get all bubbly.
Invite the neighbors , scoop out the ice cream and enjoy!

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