Wishe Niche

Wishe Niche
How did you make that?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lemon Garlic Hummus

Lemon Garlic Hummus-
2 cans chickpeas drained and rinsed (make sure you rinse well)
1-2 tbsp Olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
¼ tsp salt (less if desired)
3 tbsp tahini (do not substitute any other nut butter, you can omit but it will taste a little different.)
1 whole lemon. ( zest a little for garnish)
Reserve ¼ cup of chickpeas
In a food processor add garlic and pulverize, next add the whole lemon cut into quarters and pulverize. Next add chick peas and Tahini and process till smooth, this is where you add the olive oil. It may not need any at this point. Add salt
Pour into a serving dish sprinkle remaining chic peas on top, lemon zest and drizzle olive oil on top if desired.
You can play with this recipe, I love garlic so I add more, if you are using the stuff from the jar you may want to add more as well.

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